Seiji Takeda Interview Site

Creating Future Possibilities For Humans Through Phenomenology

……On this site, fans of the philosopher Seiji Takeda communicate the deep meaning and value of his philosophy to the world. We will introduce Takeda's latest interviews and newly written essays that cannot be found anywhere else. (Site administrator)

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※Update Information※

Video Collection(The “core” of great philosophers)
Decartes ❶ (2025.2.15)

Philosophical Essays(Philosophical principle of war deterrence)
→⑥The Principles of a Free Civil Society.  Rousseau① (2025.2.4)

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Seiji Takeda


◇ Why TAKEDA now ?

Seiji Takeda looks at the entire philosophical world from the East to the West and extracts its essence with great precision. It's as if he's looking down on philosophy from a drone. Here is a perspective that modern philosophers who are immersed in Europe cannot have.
Seiji Takeda is sincerely working to grasp the essence of modern philosophy and use it to help all people. Takeda's philosophy is to "support people's existence." Philosophers like this are rare.(Site administor)

◇Why is it necessary to revive philosophy now ?

Philosophy gives a clear vision for the future of the world.Without this, people fall into anemia of meaning. On the other hand, those in power try to go back and return to the good old days. The cause for both is the same: they don't have a vision for tomorrow.(Seiji Takeda)

Seiji TAKEDA’s Works

   complete deciphering of modern philosophies

Takeda's Philosophy Super-Paraphrase series is the world's first attempt to completely paraphrase difficult philosophical works. A remarkable attempt to enable ordinary readers to read through the major works of Hegel, Kant, Husserl and others and understand their content with clarity. This ground-breaking achievement has been highly praised by the public. A must-read for anyone who has been frustrated by difficult philosophy.

※Click image to jump to Amazon.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Philosophy

The great masters of Takeda's philosophy

       ……And he conveys to us the core of their ideas .

1  Plato (BC 427-BC347)

The essence of his thought
The true subject of philosophy is ‘truth, goodness and beauty’. The true founder of the philosophy of human values. Desirism philosophy is its inheritance in the 21st century.

→To Interview video (click numbers


Hegel (1770ー1831)

The essence of his thought
The highest peak of modern European philosophy. Supreme accomplishment of the theory of the essece of human and modern society. The ultimate achievement of the essence of freedom.

→To Interview video(click numbers


 Nietzsche (1844ー1900)

The essence of his thought
The highest achievement of the fundamental turn of European ontology. The subject of philosophy is not in‘existence’ but in 'generation’ and ‘value’.

→To Interview video(click numbers


4 Husserl (1859ー1938)

The essence of his thought
A complete clarification of epistemology of European philosophy. All philosophy in the 21st century will be the 'science of essence' of human and society.

→To Interview video(click numbers


We recommend Seiji TAKEDA


❶ Philosophical Essays 

Ⅰ Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

〈1〉Philosophical principle of war deterrence

①Why do wars occur ?

②Why does War exist only in the Human World?

③War and philosophy

④Difference between religion and philosophy tables ① 

⑤Difference between religion and philosophy tables ② 

⑥The Principles of a Free Civil Society~Rousseau ①  ←(2025.2.4 Update)

⑦General welfare as a principle of popular government~Rousseau②

……to be continued


❷ Video collection

 ~A 5-minute lecture that conveys the essence of philosophy that brings hope to life.

1 The “core” of great philosophers

※Click numbers to interview videos

  • Plato 
  • Decartes 〉←(2025. 2. 15 Update)
  • Hobbs
  • Rousseau
  • Kant
  • Hegel 
  • Nietzsche 
  • Husserl 
  • Heidegger
  • Wittgenstein

2 Philosophy for supporting your life

  • What is the meaning of living?
  • What is the purpose of studying?
  • Do I have to work?
  • What is love?
  • Why shouldn't we kill people?
  • What should I do to be happy?

…to be continued

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