Philosophy essays
…Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

●Takeda: The central concept of this site is to reconsider anything from a philosophical telescope.
The first point of philosophy's perspective is to view the human world over a long span of 100 to 200 years. The second thing is how to ask the question.
Humans ask various questions about this world. There are countless problems, from abstract questions such as what is the meaning of human life to practical questions such as how people with different ideas can live harmoniously with each other. There are also countless ways to answer that.
Philosophical thinking involves first collecting all of these countless possible answers, and then taking the time to figure out which answer will most convince people. Moreover, it should be presented as concise and simple "keywords" as possible. In philosophy, this cornered keyword is called "principle" (arche).
Therefore, when we look at anything through the telescope of philosophy, a unique and slightly different way of looking at things emerges. The same goes for the theme of "war."
Philosophy attempts to see things from the most fundamental perspective possible. The key point is that there are many different ways of looking at a certain issue, but we collect them as much as possible and create words (keywords) that condense their essence. That is the "method of principles" of philosophy.
Therefore, once you have mastered the ``principles,'' you can apply them in a variety of situations. It's like being a great jazz player. It's not manual thinking, but a good art (technique) for thinking deeply about everything. Once that happens, you will be able to think for yourself. This is also big.
One thing I would like to say is that this unique way of thinking in philosophy has almost died out in the 20th century for a number of reasons. Rather, the 20th century has become an era of ``anti-philosophy.'' I'll talk more about why this happened later.
●竹田 このサイトの中心コンセプトは、どんなことでも哲学の遠望鏡から見直してみよう、です。
①Philosophical principle of war deterrence

〈1 why do wars happen〉
■Question: How can we see problems in society and ourselves through the "philosophical telescope" that you just talked about? I'm really looking forward to it.
So, the first question I would like to ask is, "Why do wars happen?" Looking at the situation in Ukraine and Russia, I am deeply surprised and worried that such a war is occurring in this day and age, and that it is taking so long to end.
How has philosophy thought about the questions of why wars occur and how to prevent them?
●Takeda: Before we talk about the war in Ukraine, let's first think simply about what war is.
In modern times, the first person to provide a philosophical answer to this question was Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). His key phrase was "a war of all against all." Humans cannot escape from wars between humans unless they make special efforts. Let's call this the principle of universal war. That's pretty pessimistic. But this idea is much more distinctive than the general idea about war. Why can you say that?
First of all, in the past, the typical answer was that the cause of war was God's will.In addition, wars, like natural disasters, always occur, so no one can stop them. What about in modern times? There are theories that it is caused by the desires of rulers or the ``death instinct'' (Freud) hidden in humans, but I think the most representative idea is that it is a struggle between nations over their interests.
But Hobbes's answer is different. First, Hobbes identifies the root cause of war as ``mutual anxiety'' (original word: diffidence). This answer also articulates principles for deterring war. In other words, for the war to end, mutual anxiety must be removed. Alternatively, suppressing mutual anxiety is a determining condition for deterring war.
Hence the answer, the creation of a strong governing power - a strong state. When a strong governing power is established, all kinds of conflicts are mediated by law rather than by battles of strength. If they fight each other on their own, they will be punished, and universal war will end in that area. I see.
There are many criticisms and counter-arguments to Hobbes's theory. First of all, Hobbes was originally a British Royalist at the time. Therefore, that theory is nothing more than a defense of the power of the British king. Locke's ideas in defense of parliament were extremely outdated compared to today's democratic ideas. It is true that Hobbes' theory is not a democratic idea. However, this is an after-the-fact criticism from our current standpoint, and Hobbes' theory cannot be moved as a ``principle of war.''
For example, another criticism stems from the idea that war is a conflict of interests between nations. It is true that nations go to war with each other, so it would seem that wars would end if nations were completely eliminated. Both Marxism in the 20th century and postmodern thought that followed were based on this idea and strongly criticized the ``state.'' The prevailing idea was that the state was the source of not only war but also various forms of control.
Now, what happens if we apply Hobbes's principle of war to this? Hobbes' principle shows that states are not the cause of war, but rather that war is the cause of states. Therefore, the theory that states are the cause of war is a complete misunderstanding of cause and effect.
According to Hobbes's theory, this is what happens. Removing the state (governing power) will far from eliminate war. Immediately, a state of universal war returns. From there, the struggle for hegemony begins again, a hegemon emerges, and as a result, once again an absolutely dominating and despotic state is created.
Is the state the root cause of war, or is war the cause of the state? These are the key questions we need to think clearly when we ask ourselves, ``What is war?''
Can Hobbes's ``principles of war'' really be said to be correct? Let's think about this a little more next time.
〈1 戦争はなぜおきるのか〉
■質問 いまお話ししてくれた「哲学の望遠鏡」から、いったい社会や自分自身の問題がどのように見えてくるのか…。これからとても楽しみにしています。
●竹田 ウクライナの戦争の前に、まずシンプルに「戦争とは何か」について考えてみましょう。