Philosophical Essays 
……Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

①Philosophical principle of war deterrence 

〈2 Why does War exist only in the Human World?〉

Hobbes's "principle of war" states that the root cause of war is "reciprocal fear," and the fundamental condition for its suppression is establishing a strong governing authority to suppress "reciprocal fear." Is this principle correct?

In fact, looking through the history of humanity, the validity of Hobbes's theory becomes prominent. Hobbes did not specifically discuss history, but let me draw a large auxiliary line.

About 10,000 years ago, humanity succeeded in the food revolution (agricultural and settlement revolution), freeing themselves from a subsistence lifestyle. However, for humans, this marked the beginning of their worst fate. Since then, human society has become a history of "universal war" (a state where wars occur everywhere). The causes of war, such as plunder and invasion, appeared because food and wealth could now be stored. Henceforth, the history of humans became a continuous history of incessant wars.

To outline this process broadly, the initial communities were simple kinship-based communities without strong hierarchies. However, as plundering and invasions began over food and wealth, people gathered for joint defense, forming larger communities. Clan communities became tribal federations, which required strong leaders and warriors for self-defense.

In any culture, the following progression is typically observed: first, kinship communities; next, clan communities; then tribes as a union of clans; and further, coalitions of tribes, where the units of community inevitably grow larger.

The reason is very clear; communities must grow larger and stronger as quickly as possible to avoid being defeated in warfare. Powerful coalitions of tribes evolve into entities no longer simple communities but requiring strong leaders (kings), soldiers, generals, and the like. They make themselves into potential-war-communities and inevitably establish hierarchical structures.

The 'state' emerges as an organized collective defense under such strong leadership. Thus, communities, by evolving into potential war communities, inherently enter into antagonistic relationships with each other. To reiterate, it's not the states that create war; rather, the fear of war transforms communities into states in everywhere.

A clear example is China. Initially, there was a loosely central state called Zhou, but as the population and productivity increased, strong individual states emerged (the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period (7th to 3rd century BCE)). States like Chu, Qin, and Han fought fiercely under the fear of total annihilation if defeated.

The reciprocal escalated, leading to a universal war state that continued until a final victor emerged, resulting in the establishment of the first absolute despotic empire, the Qin Empire (221 BCE).

This process of forming a great empire is typically seen in the four great civilizations. Initially, there is a hegemony period, followed by the emergence of a hegemon and the formation of a great empire. Examples include India (Maurya Empire), the Orient (Persian Empire), and Europe (Roman Empire).

These examples show how accurately Hobbes's principle reflects the situation. The "reciprocal fear" of being attacked and destroyed unites communities into "states," leading to continuous, intense wars among states.

Great empires generally last between 20 to 300 years. During their existence, wars cease, and long-lasting empires bring great fortune to their people, as national unity is a major achievement from the people's perspective. However, as empires decay, they dissolve into universal war states again.

Ancient wars resulted in tremendous human casualties. Particularly in China's universal wars, there are records of 40 to 50 million deaths out of a population of 60 million. Universal wars often leave only about 30% of the population surviving. This catastrophic scale is comparable to World War I, which, with its unprecedented weapons like machine guns, tanks, and airplanes, caused about 40 million deaths.

From this universal war state, a hero emerges to establish a new great empire, halting universal wars but almost invariably leading to absolute despotism. Generally, 85% of the population becomes serfs or slaves, living without freedom and human rights, in barely subsistence conditions. A proverb from the Edo period, "Keep the farmers neither alive nor dead," aptly describes this.

Kings or emperors must build strong armies and infrastructures by heavily extracting from the people to avoid being destroyed by other powerful states or empires.

This process of hegemony struggles leading to the formation of great empires, their dissolution, and the reemergence of universal wars, followed by new empires, is seen in all civilizations. China has repeated this process most typically for over 3,000 years, but it is similar in other civilizations.

Viewing human war history in this way, Hobbes's keywords "reciprocal fear" and "strong governing authority" appear almost unshakable. Hobbes's political thought is not just conservative; it is a deeply philosophical insight into the human condition.

Some might say this is ancient history, but Hobbes's principle remains core to understanding modern society. However, this will be discussed later.

■Question I want to know more about Hobbes's "reciprocal fear" as the cause of continuous human conflict. Unlike animals, humans have "egos" and inevitably develop "fear" of being defeated by others, leading to continuous "war of all against all." Why does this unique characteristic apply only to humans?

●Takeda  This is another key point of Hobbes's principle of war. Hobbes offers a profound philosophical examination of why "reciprocal fear" persists in human societies. The fundamental reason for the universal war state in human society is the unceasing "reciprocal fear." Hobbes's considerations can be paraphrased as follows:

In the animal kingdom, natural strength dictates order. No matter how hard a deer tries, it cannot defeat a lion. Even within the same species, physical strength determines the boss. Thus, the animal world operates on absolute predation, not universal war. However, humans are different. Physical strength does not dictate order among humans. Hobbes states that unlike animals, humans possess wisdom and can gather "numbers" or use "strategies." Therefore, even the weakest person can "overthrow the strongest" ('Leviathan').

This means that the victor today might be defeated tomorrow. Thus, everyone remains in constant fear. To eliminate this fear, the best strategy is "preemptive action," which means taking the initiative to strike first. This concise reasoning explains why humans cannot escape "reciprocal fear," leading to the principle of universal violence and universal struggle permeating the world.

Additionally, only humans have language, which nurtures "ego" and "fear of death," further solidifying "reciprocal fear" in human society.

(End of the second installment)

←〈1 Why do wars occur ? 〉
→〈3 War and philosophy〉

〈2 なぜ人間世界だけに戦争があるのか?〉

●竹田 ホッブズの「戦争の原理」は、戦争の根本原因は「相互不安」だからその抑止の根本条件は、強力な統治権力を立てることで「相互不安」を抑えることにあります。この原理は正しいといえるでしょうか。





理由は一つでできるだけ早く大きく強くならないと、戦いで滅ぼされるからです。強力な部族の連合体は、もうかつての素朴な共同体ではなくなり, 強力なリーダー(王)や兵士、将軍などを必要とする。潜在的な戦争共同体へと代わっていくのです。そしてどうしてもヒエラルキーの体制が出てきます。


分かりやすい例は中国です。はじめ周というゆるい中心国家があったが、人口や生産性が上がってだんだん個別に強国が出てくる(春秋戦国時代 (前7C→3C))。楚、秦、韓などですね。戦争で負けると王と支配者階層は皆殺し、というのが常識なので、強国の支配者たちはみな必死です。富国強兵策をとって激しくせめぎあった。











■質問 ホッブスが、(人間がずっと闘いを繰り返している原因としてあげた)「相互不安」のことについてもう少しくわしく知りたいです。人間はだれしもが自我をもっていて、そこから必ずほかの人にやっつけられてしまうんじゃないか、という「不安」をだれも必ず抱くようになる。そこから「万人の万人による闘い」をいつまでも繰り返すことになる。それはほかの動物と違う人間だけの特徴だということですよね。でも、どうして人間だけがそうなってしまったんでしょうか。

●竹田 それがホッブズの戦争の原理のもうひとつのキーポイントです。ホッブズは、なぜ人間世界には「相互不安」がつきまとうかについて、じつに哲学的な考察をおいている。人間社会が普遍戦争状態になる根本は「相互不安」がなくならないからですが、ではなぜ人間社会で「相互不安」がなくならないか。ホッブズの考察を少しパラフレーズして言うと以下です。

