Philosophical Essays
……Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

①Philosophical principle of war deterrence
〈1 Why do wars occur ?〉
■Question Philosophy seems difficult; what is it really about?
●Takeda The central concept of this site is to reevaluate everything from the telescope of philosophy.
The first point of view in philosophy is to look at the human world over a long span of 100-200 years. The second is the way we ask questions.
Humans pose various questions about this world. From abstract questions like "What is the meaning of human life?" to practical questions like "How can people with different ideas live together peacefully?" There are countless issues, and there are also countless ways to answer them.
Philosophical thinking involves gathering all these possible answers and then taking time to pursue which answers are the most convincing. And this is presented in the simplest possible "keywords." This refined keyword is called "principle" (arche) in philosophy.
Therefore, when viewed through the philosophical telescope, even familiar subjects reveal unique perspectives. The theme of "war" is no exception.
Philosophy tries to look at things from the most fundamental perspective. The key is to gather as many perspectives on an issue as possible and distill them into an essence. This is the "method of principles" in philosophy.
Thus, accumulating these "principles" allows for their application in various scenarios, much like how a skilled jazz musician improvises. It becomes a good art (technique) for deeply thinking about everything, rather than relying on manual thinking. This enables independent thinking, which is also significant.
However, it must be noted that such unique philosophical thinking almost died out in the 20th century for several reasons. The 20th century rather became an era of "anti-philosophy." The reasons for this will be discussed later.

■Question From the "philosophical telescope" you've mentioned, how do societal and personal issues appear? I'm very excited to find out.
To start, my primary question is, "Why do wars occur?" Watching the situation between Ukraine and Russia, I am shocked and anxious that such a war is happening in our time and that it cannot be easily resolved. How has "philosophy" considered the issues of "why wars occur" and "how wars can be prevented"?
●Takeda Before discussing the war in Ukraine, let's simply think about "What is war?"
The first philosophical answer to this question in modern times was given by Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). His keyword was "the war of all against all." Without special arrangements, humans cannot escape wars among themselves. This is the principle of universal war. It's quite pessimistic, but this idea stands out compared to general thoughts about war. Why is this?
In the past, the representative answer was that war was the will of God, or like a natural disaster, it inevitably occurred and no one could stop it. What about modern times? Some say it's the rulers' desires or the "death instinct" in humans (Freud), but the most representative idea is the struggle over national interests.
However, Hobbes's answer is different. He considers the fundamental cause of war to be "mutual fear"(→"reciprocal fear") (diffidence). This answer also indicates the principle for preventing (→deterring)wars: reciprocal fear must be removed or suppressed.
Therefore, a strong governing authority, or a powerful state, must be established. When strong governance is in place, conflicts are settled by law rather than by force, and random fighting is punished. Hence, universal war ends in that domain.
Hobbes's theory invited various criticisms and opposing views. One common criticism is that Hobbes was a royalist in England, and his theory was just to defend the king's power. From a democratic perspective, like Locke's, it's considered outdated. It's true that Hobbes's theory is not democratic, but this criticism is retrospective( →after-the-fact) and doesn't shake the Hobbs' "principle of war."
For instance, another criticism arises from the idea that wars are struggles over national interests. It seems that if we eliminate nations, wars would end. 20th-century Marxism and postmodern thoughts criticized "the state" itself, seeing it as the root of various dominations, not just wars.
However, according to Hobbes's principle, it's not the state that causes wars but wars that cause the state.
Removing the state doesn't eliminate war; it brings back the state of universal war. Then, a struggle for hegemony begins, a hegemon emerges, and ultimately, an absolute despotic state is formed again.
Is the state the root cause of war, or is war the cause of the state? This is a key question to consider when asking "What is war?" today.
Is Hobbes's "principle of war" truly correct? We'll explore this further next time.
(End of the first installment)
→〈2 Why does war exist only in the human world?〉
〈1 戦争はなぜおきるのか〉
■質問 哲学ってむずかしそうですが、そもそもいったいどういうものなんでしょう?
●竹田 このサイトの中心コンセプトは、どんなことでも哲学の遠望鏡から見直してみよう、です。
■質問 いまお話ししてくれた「哲学の遠望鏡」から、いったい社会や自分自身の問題がどのように見えてくるのか…。これからとても楽しみにしています。
●竹田 ウクライナの戦争の前に、まずシンプルに「戦争とは何か」について考えてみましょう。