Philosopical Essays
……Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

①Philosophical principle of war deterrence
〈3 War and Philosophy 〉
■Question You mentioned that humans, unlike animals, have language and wisdom, allowing even the weakest to devise strategies to defeat the strongest. However, human wisdom can also be used for purposes other than strategies. Hasn't anything been devised to live peacefully without fighting?
●Takeda The food revolution should have been a great blessing for humans, but it turned out to be the beginning of their greatest and fateful misfortune. Since then, pacifying the absolute violence of war has been humanity's greatest challenge because war is the greatest enemy of human life.
Historical evidence shows that humans have made various efforts to suppress war.
There are four main efforts: First is "gift-giving," (or just "giving"?) showing goodwill by exchanging gifts. Second is trade. For example, sea and mountain people trade goods they lack. This has less risk than attacking or stealing wealth, benefiting both sides and naturally suppressing violence. Third is marriage. Becoming relatives reduces the likelihood of war. Political marriages were common among warlords to deter wars.
The last and most powerful is the "integration of religious beliefs." Sharing the same god is extremely powerful. Among them, "world religions" are crucial. Normally, every ethnicity has its own religion, and they fought under their gods. But when world religions engulf ethnic religions, shared gods reduce war tendencies.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, central governance disappeared, and Europe's security deteriorated into a universal war state. However, as Germanic tribes like the Goths and Vandals gradually converted to Christianity, order stabilized. This is a good example of world religion exerting its power.
In discussing the typology of great empires, Europe is an exception. After the Roman Empire's division, no great empire emerged. Germanic tribes formed various states balanced by power, with the Vatican as the rerigious center. In Europe, world religion played such a role.
Another important point is that great empires inherently require a major religion to unify diverse tribes and communities for governance. Hence, rather than world religions creating great empires, great empires adopt one religion as a world religion.
In any case, human society has constantly grappled with the threat of war. Human history is not just about numerous wars but about the struggle against war. From a philosophical perspective, human history can be broadly divided into the food revolution → universal war → great empire → modern state → post-war system. The details of this will be discussed another time.
Humans have desperately devised ways to suppress war, but ultimately, they could not decisively pacify the god of war. Even large empires (+ world religions) eventually fought, like Christianity and Islam.
However, what's crucial here is that in modern times, for the first time, the "principle of war," its fundamental cause, and therefore its fundamental condition for suppression, were discovered by philosophy. Naturally, even if the "principle" of war suppression is grasped, it doesn't immediately come to fruition. The principle needs to spread worldwide, and the conditions for its realization must be gradually met, which takes considerable time.
However, without grasping the "principle" of war suppression, it's like shooting arrows without knowing the target, and no effort will reach any goal. History shows this clearly. Despite various efforts over the last ten thousand years, universal war persisted because they didn't address the root cause.
Is it possible to eliminate universal war from humanity? Philosophically, yes. However, the grand scheme for this is a bit complex and will be discussed in another installment.
■Question It was surprising to see religion as one of humanity's efforts to avoid war from the perspective of philosophy. Yet, eliminating war has always been out of reach. Was this a significant challenge for philosophy itself?
●Takeda Considering war from a philosophical standpoint is extremely important for humanity. Here's why:
Only humans possess language, transforming their world into a "world of relationships," woven by language games rather than a mere "environmental world." Language creates human "ego" and brings forth "fear of death," reshaping simple communities into "states" organized for joint defense under the reciprocal fear of war.
Thus, language elevates humans from mere animal existence to a "world of relationships." Humans live not just for survival but for "living," which involves mutual consideration and sharing joy in relationships, creating ethical and romantic bonds and culturalcreations. This becomes the ultimate goal of human life.
Even now, the greatest threat to this human way of life is the principle of universal war. Once war breaks out, survival and victory become the ultimate goals for everyone. The larger the threat of war and violence, the more human ethics and relationships of eros are crushed, depriving humans of the conditions to live as humans.
The life of individuals in an absolute despotism symbolizes it. In such societies, the entire social order is governed by violence. There is no universal war, but instead, a society dominated by an absolute power game. At the apex sits the despot, and ascending the hierarchy becomes the sole value of this world. Under this value, other human values like goodness, beauty, and the truth of relationships are necessarily banished and die away. The greater the principle of violence within society, the more ethics and eros in human life shrink and wither.
Therefore, how to reduce universal violence and war is the most crucial task to maintain humanity. The principle of universal violence manifests not only in concrete wars, i.e., armed conflicts, but in modern society, it appears as the struggle for wealth hegemony.
As the principles of human conflict and competition intensify, people are driven by "anxiety competition," forcing them to abandon the relational aspects of life. Hence, deeply understanding human nature and society requires considering the reduction of universal war and conflict.
Modern philosophers were the first to deeply recognize this and tackle the challenge. Thus, we can appreciate how significant Hobbes's work was from a philosophical perspective.
However, contemporary philosophy and thought largely fail to understand Hobbes's tremendous achievement. There are clear reasons for this, which will be discussed in future installments.
(End of the third installment)
←〈2 Why does war exist only in the human world?〉
→〈4 Difference between religion and philosophy tables ①〉
〈3 戦争と哲学〉
■質問 人間の場合動物と違って言葉をもち、知恵もあるので、策略を凝らすことができ、最も弱い人間でも、最も強い人間を倒すことができるというのですね。でも、人間の知恵というのは、たしかにそうした策略にも使えるけれども、そうでないことに使うこともできるんじゃないでしょうか。たとえば、闘いをしないで平和に暮らせるために何か考えられてきたことはなかったのでしょうか。
●竹田 食糧革命は人間にとって大きな福音だったはずなのに、じつは人間にとって最大のそして宿命的な不幸のはじまりになってしまった。これ以来、いかに戦争という絶対暴力をなだめるかが、人間にとって最大の課題となった。戦争は、人間の人間的生活にとって最大の敵だから。
■質問 長い歴史の中で人は戦争を繰り返しながら、同時に戦争を避けるための工夫もいろいろしてきたわけなのですね。哲学の遠望鏡から見ると宗教も人類にとってその工夫の一つに見えてくることが驚きでした。…それでも戦争をなくすことはずっとできないままだった。それは哲学自身にとっても大きな課題だったのでしょうか?
●竹田 戦争を哲学の観点から考えることは、人類にとってきわめて大事な意味をもっているのです。その理由はこうです。