Philosopical Essays
……Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

①Philosophical principle of war deterrence
〈4 Difference between religion and philosophy tables ①〉
〈4 哲学のテーブルと宗教のテーブル①〉
Indeed, understanding "why wars occur," in other words, "what are the conditions that lead to war," seems to provide clues for thinking about how to avoid them.
In the previous session, we discussed Hobbes's principle of universal war, that "mutual fear" is the root cause of the state of war in the human world, and therefore, the suppression of "mutual fear" is the fundamental principle of war prevention.
As we have already seen, various criticisms have emerged against Hobbes's idea. Some say this view is too pessimistic about human nature, or that Hobbes used this idea to justify monarchy.
Currently, the most powerful criticism seems to be that since war is essentially a conflict of interests between states, eliminating states is the most fundamental method to eliminate war. This view is shared by Marxism and subsequent postmodern thought. However, as we have seen, when surveying human history, this idea is representational (image-driven) and does not undermine Hobbes's principle at all.
To repeat, Hobbes's answer to "why does war occur" can be called a philosophical "principle". Why can this be called a philosophical "principle", and why can a philosophical principle be called a "universal" answer? Regarding this, this time we will go back a bit in history and talk about the fundamentals of philosophical thinking.
繰り返すと、「なぜ戦争が起こるのか」に対するホッブズの答えは哲学的「原理」といえるものです。なぜこれが哲学的「原理」と言えるか、また、なぜ哲学的原理が“普遍的な”答えと言えるのか。 これについて、今回は少し歴史をさかのぼって、哲学の思考法の根本について話してみます。
It can be said that the fundamental role of religion and philosophy is "world explanation." Now, to explain the difference between the two, I have included figures of the table of religion and the table of philosophy.

① Religion Table
the table of religion is rectangular, with the religious founder at the far end. The founder is a person who tells about the "truth of the world." Around them are believers who have gathered, attracted by the founder's story. However, this is not an old religion, but a model of so-called revealed religions such as Buddhism or Christianity.
The founder explains the world to people through "stories" (myths or revelations). For example, at the beginning of the Old Testament is Genesis. This is a Jewish myth. It is written as follows. In ancient times, God created the world in 6 days, rested for one day, and then created man and woman. He let them live in paradise, but for some reason there was one tree with forbidden fruit. It was said that if one ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, they would know good and evil. First, the woman ate it, then made the man eat it, and humans "knew good and evil" (lost their innocence) and fell. God became angry and punished humans. First, he took away humans' immortal destiny (originally created immortal), and further gave men the hardship of daily labor and women the pain of childbirth, it says.
In this short "story," religion actually provides a clever explanation for the existence of the world and humans. That is, why does the world exist, why do humans live and suffer, why do people die, what happens after death... and so on.
A renowned religious scholar named Mircea Eliade says this: "Religion gives people the meaning of the world through stories." This is exactly right. Why does religion give people the meaning of the world as a "story"? The biggest reason is to establish fundamental rules of sacred and profane, good and evil for the community. Every community needs fundamental rules of sacred and profane, good and evil. Without them, everything falls apart and order cannot be established. For this reason, a divine being is placed as an object of awe, and rules of sacred and profane, good and evil are established as God's commands. This makes people follow them.
ミルチヤ・エリヤーデという高名な宗教学者はこう言います。「宗教は物語によって、人々に世界の意味を与える」。まさしくそのとおりです。なぜ宗教は世界の意味を「物語」として人々に与えるのか。その最大の理由は、共同体に聖俗、善悪の根本ルールを立てる、 ということにある。どんな共同体も、聖俗・善悪の根本ルールを必要とします。それがないとみなバラバラになって秩序が定まらない。そのためとくに畏敬の対象として神的存在おき、神の命令として聖俗・善悪のルールを立てる。そのことで人々はそれを守る。
Among Moses' Ten Commandments, there are famous ones like "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not steal," but it is only when these are established as powerful rules given by God that the order of the community becomes stable.
② Next is the table of philosophy.
Let's start with the story of the beginning of Greek philosophy. Greek philosophy started from a town called Miletus, a Greek colonial city across from Athens. It's now Turkey, but at that time it was called Asia Minor. The first philosopher was Thales, who is the father of European philosophy.
Thales' theory is "Water is the principle of all things." Why is this philosophy? In modern terms, this is almost the same idea as saying that the purest element is the hydrogen atom. I don't know whether the world was created by God or emerged from chaos. Putting that aside, I rather think that there is a minimal basic unit (arche = origin) in the world, and that countless of these come together to constitute all things in the universe. And I want to call this basic unit "water".
This is where it gets interesting. There are two disciples. First, Anaximander. He opposed his master and said: Isn't it strange that the smallest unit is "water"? No matter how much water gathers, it can only make water. If it were me, I would call the basic unit (= principle) of the world "the unlimited" (to apeiron), which originally contains infinite properties. Then we can explain the diversity of the world well.
However, there is another disciple named Anaximenes, who also says: Well, that's a good idea, but it's a bit suspicious. Because no one has ever seen "the unlimited." Isn't that an abstract concept you created in your head? I would call it "pneuma" (air/breath). Air must become solid when compressed, and become gas or fluid when relaxed. Besides, air is also the origin (arche) of living things.
しかし、もう一人アナクシメネスという弟子がいて、また言います。なるほど、それはいい考えだが少し怪しい。なぜなら、「無限のもの」って誰も見たことがない。それは君が頭の中でこしらえた抽象観念ではないか? 私ならそれを「プネウマ」(空気・息)と呼ぶね。空気は圧縮されると固体になり、ゆるむと気体や流体になるに違いない。それに空気は生き物の大元(アルケー)でもあるしね。
These first three philosophers are called the Milesian school or Ionian natural philosophy. And by looking at the philosophical theories of these three, we can understand the fundamental method of philosophical thinking.
The method of explaining the world in religion is "story," right? In philosophy, there are three principles. The first is to use "concepts" logically without using storys. The second is to establish "principles." It's better to think of principles not as "truths," but as central "keywords." The third is "re-start" or "re-development," where disciples do not strictly adhere to their master's (predecessor's) ideas, but rather gradually change them. However, they don't change them blindly, but look at the initially presented "principles" (keywords), and if they find contradictions or insufficiencies, they present new "principles" that overcome these weaknesses. They change the "principles" to something that more people can agree with.
Thus, we can summarize the difference in the methods of "world explanation" between religion and philosophy. In religion, first there is a founder-like figure who explains the world through a "story", and the believers preserve the founder's world explanation = "story" unchanged in the form of scripture. Everyone believing in the "truth" of the world taught by those considered saints plays a major role in determining the "sacred/profane and good/evil rules" of the community.
To repeat, in philosophy, more important than the thoughts of individual philosophers is the continuation of the place of the language game called philosophy, in other words, the relay of "principles" at the table of philosophy is most important. The successors scrutinize the "principles" laid down by their predecessors and replace them with ideas that more people can agree with, through this, philosophy becomes a system that can constantly forge "principles" into more "universal ways of thinking." This is what is meant by the relay of principles. That's why the length of time is an issue. (The era of the Hundred Schools of Thought in China and the era of the Six Heretical Teachers in India were also such times.)