Philosopical Essays
……Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

①Philosophical principle of war deterrence
〈6 The Principles of a Free Civil Society. Rousseau①〉
〈6 「自由な市民社会」の原理 ルソー①〉
Philosophy has the power to create world explanations and universal knowledge that transcend cultural and religious differences, but this is only possible through the relay of deepening the "principles" of philosophy. What kind of relay has taken place in subsequent philosophy regarding Hobbes' principle of "mutual fear" deterrence to avoid war?
As we have seen, even the theory that the most powerful wars in modern times are caused by "states" cannot surpass Hobbes' principle.
This is because Hobbes' theory inherently includes the fundamental reason for the emergence of "states" in human society, thus encompassing modern theories. To go beyond Hobbes' "principle," we must reconsider the fundamental idea of "mutual fear" more deeply. Hegel attempts this, so we will look at it later.
However, the main topic here is the social philosophy of Locke and Rousseau, who relayed Hobbes' principles as philosophy.
Firstly, Locke is still regarded as a representative of the theory of modern democratic states and societies where everyone is free and equal. Not only that, but at the time, Locke was also a philosopher who opposed the legitimacy of the monarchy and was the first to philosophically justify the rights of private ownership for the emerging bourgeoisie, gaining enthusiastic popularity throughout Europe.
Locke, who is also called the father of empirical philosophy, writes a representative political theory, "Two Treatises of Government," as a counter to the conservative Filmer's "Patriarcha." Its core has two points.
First, the theory that God has given humans the right to freedom (called "tenbujinkenron" in Japan). This is a counter-ideology to the ruling class's ideology of the time, the divine right of kings (by Bodin).
Secondly, the foundation of property rights. Nature was originally given by God to all people, and the harvest obtained from a person's labor on the land they cultivate is recognized by God as their legitimate property. This theory laid the foundation for the bourgeois class's right to freedom and the ownership of wealth generated by their own labor, making Locke a theoretical star in the new European society.
The central theme of the big-name European philosophers such as Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, Rousseau, and Kant has invariably been the philosophical foundation of modern human freedom, which has been relayed at the table of philosophy.
Generally, Hobbes' theory is considered the beginning of modern social contract theory because he spoke of a contract among the people to transfer sovereignty to the "king." Locke advanced this by replacing it with the theory of social creation through a contract among the people.
However, as a philosophical foundation for human freedom, Locke's theory has significant weaknesses, and Rousseau further relayed this to push it towards a more universal "principle."
Firstly, in Locke's theory, human freedom is derived from "natural law" given by God, but this is a Europe-centric idea that does not hold once you step outside Europe (where the concept of a monotheistic God does not exist). In other words, it cannot be considered a universal principle (valid for everyone).
Locke's theory that "God gave humans freedom" can be seen as a "narrative" world explanation created from the initial motivational demand that "humans should be given freedom."
Compared to this, Rousseau's ideas completely overcome Locke's local narrative nature. Rousseau says that "humans are born free," but he never states that this is a natural right given by God. Reading "Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men," it becomes clear that originally in the human world, there was neither domination nor subjugation (no enforced lack of freedom).
The essence of Rousseau's "The Social Contract" is the assertion that if people desire "freedom," there is only one condition for its possibility: they must mutually recognize each other's freedom and create their own "government of the people" as equal members.
This idea of "to achieve this, there is no other way but to do this" is precisely the concept of a philosophical principle. Whether they are Europeans, Muslims, or Buddhists, if they desire freedom, there is no other way to achieve it but by fulfilling this condition. This is valid for "everyone."
Is it correct to consider that Rousseau took
this as a challenge from Hobbes' principles?
Rousseau, up until "Discourse on the Origin of Inequality," disagreed with the idea that war could not be prevented without a Hobbesian state. However, in "The Social Contract," he clearly acknowledges the necessity of political governance.
Therefore, the question becomes how to realize individual freedom on top of preventing war through political governance. Rousseau presents this answer with two straightforward concepts: "social contract" and "general will." The social contract is an agreement by the will of all members of society to mutually recognize each other's freedom equally and establish a governing power (people's power). Some criticize this by saying that such unanimous agreements have never existed in reality, but this criticism comes from those unfamiliar with philosophical thinking. To "enter into a social contract" means that a society governed by people's power is one where everyone has the will to operate the society under a governing power based on equal rights. This is a proposition about the principle conditions, not a discussion of historical facts.
Another important concept is the general will.
This is the imperative that the governance of the people's power, established by the will of such people, should always represent the will of everyone, not the will of any specific individual, and conduct "political governance." Therefore, both the social contract and the general will are imperatives that specify certain conditions ("To realize freedom, everyone must have the will to operate society with equal rights and create a governing power," and "The governing power must always represent the will of everyone.").
This is different from the "categorical imperative″(*) in Kant's moral philosophy, which comes from an ideal demand and is an absolute imperative.
Kant's imperative is an expression of an ideal and not an imperative that creates conditions to achieve a certain goal. Philosophically, Rousseau's imperative is valid for everyone and everywhere, whereas Locke's and Kant's ideas are local, limited by time and region. It is very important to understand this principle of philosophy well. Otherwise, no one will be able to say what is truly a universal idea.
(Note: Kant's "categorical imperative" in moral philosophy is well known.
→ "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." In simpler terms, "Act in such a way that your subjective rules of good and evil can always become universally applicable rules of good and evil." With this statement, Kant replaced the absolute standards of religious good and evil with the judgment of human reason, laying the foundation for the ethics of modern society.)
→「君の意志の格律が、常に同時に普遍的立法の原理として妥当するように行為せよ」 かみ砕くと、「君の主観的な善悪のルールが、つねに普遍的に妥当する善悪のルールとなるように行為せよ」この言い方でカントは、それまでの宗教的善悪の絶対基準を、人間の理性の判断に置き換えて、近代社会の倫理学の基礎をおいた。)