Philosopical Essays

……Seeing the world through the telescope of philosophy

①Philosophical principle of war deterrence 

〈5 Difference between religion and philosophy tables ②〉

〈5 哲学のテーブルと宗教のテーブル②〉

The difference between religion and philosophy is not just in believing what the founder said, but in everyone coming together to reflect on the "principles" that serve as the wisdom necessary for living. However, it feels like the relay of "principles" that began with Thales in Greek philosophy is more aligned with the way of thinking in "science" rather than "philosophy." What are the differences between science and philosophy?


I have just explained the fundamental differences between the methods of religion and philosophy. Now, let’s also confirm the differences with the method of science. We will place the table of science next to the table of philosophy.


Some people say that philosophy is completely different from science, but that is a significant misunderstanding. The most important point is that the method of science emerged as an extension of the method of philosophy; in other words, philosophy is the father of science.


Now that we have placed the two tables side by side, we can understand the following:
In the science table, the "principles" of philosophy are referred to as hypotheses. The method of science tests these "hypotheses" proposed by philosophy by actively engaging with nature. In other words, it asks nature itself whether "water" or "air" can truly be considered principles of everything. But how is this done? There is only one method to do this. To verify it, specific tools are required, such as microscopes, litmus paper, and thermometers, which are techniques for data measurement.


In fact, since the modern era, aided by the development of mathematics, humanity has significantly advanced the techniques for measuring nature. It is precisely through this progress that Greek natural philosophy evolved into "natural science." Science verifies hypotheses through data measurement techniques, continuously refining them until it reaches a point where it can be confidently stated, beyond any doubt, that this is the case. At this point, the hypothetical principles are referred to as "laws." This also illustrates that the fundamental methods of concepts, principles, and re-exploration are maintained in science. Therefore, the advancement of data measurement techniques is essential to the methods of science.


Now, let's summarize.
Only humans possess language, and only humans explain the world through language. This is the fundamental aspect of the human "world." However, it is impossible to depict the "truth" of the world through language. This is also a principle of philosophy. As Wittgenstein suggested, language can only draw a "picture" of the world. Humans create "maps" based on nature, but these maps are always abstract representations of nature. No one can depict the reality of nature itself as it is. Similarly, it is impossible to depict the "world itself" as it is using the tool of language.


From ancient times, humans have tried to draw a "map" of the world using words. That is the explanation of the world. Without it, we are in trouble. And the first method of mapping that appeared was "story," which we call "religion." To be more precise, it is the method of "narrative-allegory."


Next came philosophy, which can be briefly called the "method of principles." Its characteristic is to create a universal explanation of the world that transcends cultural and religious boundaries, making it acceptable (understandable) to anyone. Science is a variation of this. Regardless of religion, ethnicity, or language, it is necessary to create a world explanation that anyone can understand. Therefore, it is meaningless if, from the beginning, diverse people with different values do not gather at the table of philosophy. The premise is that people with different ways of thinking, values, and customs are present, and despite this, the unique method of creating a common understanding that diverse people can agree on is the principle of the philosophical method. In other words, it can be called the "method of universal insight."


Alternatively, it can be said that only humans explain the world through language. And there are only two methods of explaining the world through language: the method of "narrative" in religion and the method of "principles" in philosophy. The former is fundamentally a communal method, where its power (effectiveness) is exerted through collective belief. The latter, on the other hand, is a method that creates common understanding beyond the community (an inter-communal method).


Both have their merits and demerits. The "narrative" of religion accumulates human wisdom and resonates directly with the human heart through its storytelling. This can sometimes save people from suffering. Moreover, this method is fundamental not only to religion but also to literature and history.


In contrast, the "method of principles" is effective in creating universal common understanding. This is because it weaves words in a way that form a universal common understanding. However, it also has a significant weakness. The use of concepts logically is its weakness, meaning that philosophy is always accompanied by logical sophistry that can turn white into black. Despite being a method of principles, "false principles" also emerge frequently.


Anyway, by thinking this way, one important thing becomes clear. Humans are creatures that explain the world through language. Or rather, the "world" depicted by language is precisely the human world. However, world explanations created through "stories" inevitably lead to various different world explanations, which often result in significant conflicts and become causes of disputes. The belief that one's own view is correct and others are wrong always arises. Religious conflicts are a typical example of this. Why does this happen? Broadly speaking, it is as follows.


Regarding questions such as how nature works or what kind of society is necessary for everyone to be free, a universally understandable "world explanation" is needed.However, when it comes to matters that include values, such as what is most important for humans or society, or what is the most beautiful, it is impossible to create a "world explanation" that establishes strict common understanding. This is also a principle of philosophy.


Since ancient times, narrative "world explanations" by humans or communities have always generated antagonistic conflicts, primarily because they include differences in values (sometimes differences in interests are expressed as differences in values). Religious conflicts are a typical example of this.


However, even in modern society, where science has advanced, there are serious conflicts of opinion regarding human and social issues. Ideological conflicts are an example of this, and they can even lead to wars. Overcoming these serious conflicts caused by differences in values is a very important challenge for philosophy.

しかし科学が進んだ現代社会でも、人間や社会の問題について深刻な考え方の対立が存在する。 イデオロギーの対立がそれです。そこから戦争が起こったりもする。この価値観の対立による申告なコンフリクトをどう克服するかは、哲学にとってたいへん重要な課題です。

First of all, remember that the method of philosophy was to skillfully extract universal common understanding from various different ways of thinking. However, philosophy does not create a more universal (true) religious doctrine from the conflict between, for example, Christianity and Islam. That is not possible. Instead, philosophy says this: there is no way to overcome the conflict (antagonistic relationship) that arises here other than the idea of "mutual recognition of doctrines."
In other words, the only principle to overcome the antagonistic conflict of doctrines is the "mutual recognition of each other's faith."


As this makes it somewhat clear, philosophy is not a method for creating an absolutely correct "world explanation."
Humans live by creating various "world explanations" in different ways, and certain values always enter into these explanations. Therefore, they constantly conflict and cause disputes. If each group cannot abandon the belief that their own view is the "truth," it becomes an absolute "dead end."


However, the philosophical method is a way to go beyond the conflicts of "world explanations" that would normally reach a dead end and move further ahead. Grasping this principle of the philosophical method firmly is an essential premise when we consider various contemporary issues.


Now, regarding what the method of philosophy is, I have said various things, but to summarize as simply as possible, it is as follows:
There are countless different ways of thinking (world explanations) about various matters in the world. Philosophy attempts to gather all these thoughts as much as possible and express the most important core points of the matters in the simplest possible keywords. The essence of philosophical thinking lies in whether it can pinpoint keywords (principles) that make many people grasp the essence of the matter through the relay of the philosophical table. By reviewing the "principles" of excellent philosophers, we should be able to realize this.


→〈6 The Principles of a Free Civil Society. 
Rousseau① 〉